The easyPDF Cloud API is a cloud-based platform that allows PDF generation, conversion and automation.

Contact us for full API access

The easyPDF Cloud API is a cloud-based platform that allows PDF generation, conversion and automation.

This easy-to-use tool eliminates the need for separate APIs for different file formats and works with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, and images. The easyPDF Cloud API can be called from any language such as .NET, Java and PHP deployed on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS and Android.

This document describes how to use the common features of the easyPDF Cloud API using the RESTful calling style.

Execution steps

Here are the basic steps to authorizing your app and making REST API call to the easyPDF Cloud:

  1. Obtain access token by using your client ID and client secret
  2. Access easyPDF Cloud API by attaching the obtained access token to every API call
    1. Create new job by uploading an input file and specifying a workflow ID
    2. Wait for job completion
    3. Download output file
    4. Delete job when finished
  3. Once you are ready to deploy, contact us to obtain production status for full REST API access

easyPDF Cloud APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. We currently support the OAuth 2.0 protocol grant types called client credentials grant to cover common web server scenario.

OAuth 2.0 is a relatively simple protocol and a developer can integrate with easyPDF Cloud OAuth 2.0 endpoints without too much effort. The OAuth 2.0 specification is available here.

Info We require that all requests are done over SSL (HTTPS).

Get access token

Obtain an OAuth 2.0 access token.

Important The access token has expiration associated to it. Call this API again to obtain new access token once the expired. For the best performance, reuse the obtained access token as much as possible.


POST https://www-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/oauth2/token


Important The content type for this endpoint needs to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Parameter Value Description
grant_type client_credentials As defined in the OAuth 2.0 specification, this field must contain a value of client_credentials
client_id The client ID obtained from your app Indicates the client that is making the request. The value passed in this parameter must exactly match the value specified in your app.
client_secret The client secret obtained from your app Indicates the password of the client that is making the request. The value passed in this parameter must exactly match the value specified in your app.
scope Space delimited set of permissions the app requests Indicates the easyPDF Cloud API access your app is requesting. The values passed in this parameter inform the consent page shown to the user.

Info You can see your client ID and client secret by visiting the developer information page.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.

Client ID
Client secret


Scope Description
epc.api Access user's data

Request example:

POST https://www-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client ID>&client_secret=<client secret>&scope=epc.api


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

200 OK

  "access_token": "<access token>",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": "3600",
  "scope": "epc.api"

Response Fields

Field Description
access_token The access token issued. You must attach this access token for every easyPDF Cloud API calls
token_type The type of the token issued. This field will always have the value bearer
expires_in Lifetime of the access token in seconds
scope Space delimited set of permissions the app is granted

Live demo

} if (Model.Clients.Count() <= 1) {




After your app has obtained an access token, your app can access a easyPDF Cloud API by including it in either an access_token query parameter or an Authorization: Bearer HTTP header.

For example, a call to the /workflows API using the access_token query string parameter looks like the following:

GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows?access_token=<access token> HTTP/1.1

A call to the same API using the access_token Authorization: Bearer HTTP header looks like the following:

GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access token>

If a call to an API fails with an authorization-related error, then the detail of the error will be included in a WWW-Authenticate: Bearer HTTP response header like the following:

400 Bad Request
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_request",error_description="Missing%20access%20token."

Create new job

Upload a file and create a new workflow job.


POST/PUT https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/{id}/jobs

Parameter Description
id The workflow ID

Info You can obtain the workflow ID either by visiting the developer information page or by calling the workflows API.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.


You can also create a new workflow.

Required scopes

Request Parameters

Parameter Default Description
A file to upload See the description below about uploading a file using POST or PUT method.
start true Specify whether to start the job execution automatically when a new job is created.

Info If you are merging multiple files, then specify false here, and then upload more files. Once all files are uploaded, start job execution.

test false Specify whether to run the job execution as test mode.

Info If true is specified, then the job is executed as a test mode and your API credits will not be used.

Uploading a file
To upload a file using POST method, you must format the request as multipart/form-data. You provide the file to upload in a multipart section, while you provide the file name in the Content-Disposition header's filename parameter. Note that only one multipart section is supported in the body of the request.

To upload a file using PUT method, you provide the file to upload in a request body (this is the only thing included in the request body), while you provide the file name as part of the URL path.

Request example (POST):

POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/000000000000027C/jobs HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=MyBoundaryABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="sample file.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf
<The contents of the sample file.pdf will be inserted here>

Request example (PUT):

PUT https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/000000000000027C/jobs?file=sample%20file.pdf HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/pdf

<The contents of the sample file.pdf will be inserted here>


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

201 Created

  "jobID": "00000000000CB20D",
  "workflowID": "000000000000027C"

Response Fields

Field Description
jobID The ID of the newly created job
workflowID The workflow ID for this job

Live demo


Info You can obtain the workflow ID either by visiting the developer information page or by calling the workflows API.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.


You can also create a new workflow.




Wait for job completion event

Wait for an event for the jobs being processed.


POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/{id}/event

Parameter Description
id The event ID

Required scopes

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters for this method

Request example:

POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D/event HTTP/1.1


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

200 OK

  "jobID": "00000000000CB20D",
  "workflowID": "000000000000027C",
  "status": "completed",
  "finished": true,
  "progress": 100,
  "detail": {
    "apiCredits": {
      "creditsRemaining": 320,
      "notEnoughCredits": false

Important This API waits for an event for up to 30 seconds. If the job execution does not complete within this duration, HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) along with a JSON object containing an error message will be returned, similar to the following:

202 Accepted

  "message": "No change detected"

If this HTTP status code is returned, you can call this API again to further wait for the job completion.

Response Fields

Field Description
jobID The job ID
workflowID The workflow ID for this job
status Status of the job being processed
finished true if the job is finished (when the status value is either completed, failed, or cancelled); false otherwise
progress Progress in percentage of the job being processed
detail Detailed information about this job

Detailed Response Fields

Field Description
apiCredits Information about API credits
ocrCredits Information about OCR credits (this field will appear only if OCR is used)

API/OCR credits Response Fields

Field Description
creditsRemaining Remaining credits
notEnoughCredits true if the job failed because of not enough credits; false otherwise

Live demo





Download output file

Download output files or retrieve file properties.


GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/{id}/output/{filename}

Parameter Description
id The job ID
filename File name.
optional Omit this parameter if you want to specify all output files instead of a single file

Required scopes

Request Parameters

Parameter Default Description
type file Specify metadata for reading file properties. Specify file for downloading file(s)

Request example:

GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D/output/sample%20file.pdf?type=file HTTP/1.1


A successful response is returned as either a file object or a JSON object, similar to the following:

Sample response data for downloading a single output file
200 OK
Content-Type: application/pdf

<The contents of the sample file.pdf>

Sample response data for downloading multiple output files
200 OK
Content-Type: application/zip

<The contents of all output files (zipped)>

Sample response data for meta data (single output file)
200 OK

  "isFolder": false,
  "name": "sample file.pdf",
  "bytes": 265273,
  "mime": "application/pdf",
  "createdDate": "2012-10-24T00:00:26.8118301Z"
  "modifiedDate": "2012-10-24T00:00:26.8118301Z"

Sample response data for meta data (all output files)
200 OK

  "isFolder": true,
  "name": "input",
  "bytes": 0,
  "createdDate": "2012-11-08T12:26:38.9947396Z",
  "modifiedDate": "2012-11-08T12:26:38.9947396Z",
  "contents": [
      "isFolder": false,
      "name": "sample file.pdf",
      "bytes": 265273,
      "mime": "application/pdf",
      "createdDate": "2012-10-24T00:00:26.8118301Z",
      "modifiedDate": "2012-10-24T00:00:26.8118301Z",
      "isFolder": false,
      "name": "sample file 02.pdf",
      "bytes": 265273,
      "mime": "application/pdf",
      "createdDate": "2012-10-24T00:00:26.9522265Z",
      "modifiedDate": "2012-10-24T00:00:26.9522265Z",

Response Fields

Field Description
isFolder true if the resource is a file list; false if the resource is a single file
name Name of the resource
bytes File size in bytes. 0 if the resource is a file list
mime MIME type of the file. This field is available only for the file resource
createdDate The time when the resource was created (when available)
modifiedDate The last time the resource was modified (when available)
contents A list of files. This field is available only if the isFolder parameter is true

Live demo





Delete job

Delete a job.


DELETE https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/{id}

Parameter Description
id The job ID

Required scopes

Request Parameters

There are no parameters for this method

Request example:

DELETE https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D HTTP/1.1


There are no additional data returned as a response

200 OK

Live demo





Following APIs are less frequently used, but needed for achieving additional feature such as combining multiple files.

Upload additional input file

Upload more input files.

Important The file upload must be done before the job execution starts.


POST/PUT https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/{id}/input

Parameter Description
id The job ID

Required scopes

Request Parameters

Parameter Default Description
A file to upload See the description below about uploading a file using POST or PUT method.
Uploading a file
To upload a file using POST method, you must format the request as multipart/form-data. You provide the file to upload in a multipart section, while you provide the file name in the Content-Disposition header's filename parameter. Note that only one multipart section is supported in the body of the request.

To upload a file using PUT method, you provide the file to upload in a request body (this is the only thing included in the request body), while you provide the file name as part of the URL path.

Request example (POST):

POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D/input HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=MyBoundaryABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="sample file.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf

<The contents of the sample file.pdf will be inserted here>

Request example (PUT):

PUT https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D/input/sample%20file.pdf HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/pdf

<The contents of the sample file.pdf will be inserted here>


There are no additional data returned as a response

200 OK

Live demo





Start/stop the job execution

Start/stop the job execution.


POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/{id}

Parameter Description
id The job ID

Required scopes

Request Parameters

Parameter Default Description
operation start Set this parameter to start to start job execution, or stop to cancel the job execution.

Request example:

POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



There are no additional data returned as a response

200 OK

Live demo





Get job information

Retrieve information about a job, or a list of jobs.


GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/{id}

Parameter Description
id The job ID

Required scopes

Request Parameters

There are no parameters for this method

Request example:

GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs/00000000000CB20D HTTP/1.1


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

200 OK

  "jobID": "00000000000CB20D",
  "workflowID": "000000000000027C",
  "status": "completed",
  "finished": true,
  "progress": 100,
  "detail": {
    "apiCredits": {
      "creditsRemaining": 320,
      "notEnoughCredits": false

Response Fields

Same as the response fields for Wait for job completion API.

Live demo





Get workflow information

Retrieve information about a workflow, or list of workflows.


GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/{id}

Parameter Description
id The workflow ID
optional Omit this parameter if you want to list all workflows

Info You can obtain the workflow ID either by visiting the developer information page or by calling the workflows API.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.


You can also create a new workflow.

Required scopes

Request Parameters

There are no parameters for this method

Request example:

GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/000000000000027C HTTP/1.1


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

Sample response data for a single workflow
200 OK

  "workflowID": "000000000000027C",
  "workflowName": "Convert to PDF"

Sample response data for workflow list
200 OK

  "workflows": [
      "workflowID": "000000000000027C",
      "workflowName": "Convert to PDF"
      "workflowID": "000000000000027D",
      "workflowName": "Convert to Word"

Response Fields

Field Description
workflowID The workflow ID
workflowName The workflow name
workflows List of workflows

Live demo


Info You can obtain the workflow ID either by visiting the developer information page or by calling the workflows API.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.


You can also create a new workflow.




Get workflow setting

Retrieve setting information about a workflow


GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/{id}/setting

Parameter Description
id The workflow ID

Info You can obtain the workflow ID either by visiting the developer information page or by calling the workflows API.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.


You can also create a new workflow.

Required scopes

Request Parameters

There are no parameters for this method

Request example:

GET https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/workflows/000000000000027C/setting HTTP/1.1


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

200 OK

  "Tasks": [

Live demo


Info You can obtain the workflow ID either by visiting the developer information page or by calling the workflows API.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.


You can also create a new workflow.




Create new job with custom workflow

Create a new job using custom workflow setting.


POST/PUT https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs

Required scopes

Request Parameters

Parameter Default Description
A workflow setting Specify workflow setting.

POST For POST method, provide workflow setting in the "setting" parameter.

PUT For PUT method, provide workflow setting in a request body.

Info You can obtain existing workflow setting and use it as your base setting.

test false Specify whether to run the job execution as test mode.

Info If true is specified, then the job is executed as a test mode and your API credits will not be used.

Request example (POST):

POST https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Request example (PUT):

PUT https://api-staging-1.easypdfcloud.com/v1/jobs HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "Tasks": [


A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:

201 Created

  "jobID": "00000000000CB20D",
  "workflowID": "0000000000000000"

Response Fields

Field Description
jobID The ID of the newly created job
workflowID The workflow ID for this job. The value will always be 0000000000000000.

Next After the job is created, upload input file and then start job execution.

Live demo


Info You can obtain existing workflow setting and use it as your base setting.





You can download sample codes for .NET, Node.js, PHP and Java from below links.

Important You need to embed your client ID, client secret, and a workflow ID into the sample code.

You can use following information for demonstration purpose. Sign up for free to get your own.

Client ID
Client secret

Workflow NameWorkflow ID

You can also create a new workflow.

Programming languages / Platforms

Installation: (NuGet package)

Package Manager:
PM> Install-Package Bcl.EasyPdfCloud
> dotnet add package Bcl.EasyPdfCloud

Example 1: Using pre-created workflow (workflow ID):
using Bcl.EasyPdfCloud;

// Create easyPDF Cloud API client object
var client = new Client("<client ID>", "<client secret>");

// Upload input file and start new job
var job = await client.StartNewJobAsync("<workflow ID>", "C:\Users\someone\input.docx");

// Wait until job execution is completed
using (var result = await job.WaitForJobExecutionCompletionAsync())
  // Save output to file
  using (var fs = new FileStream("C:\Users\someone\output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
    await result.FileData.Stream.CopyToAsync(fs);

Example 2: Using dynamically created workflow:
using Bcl.EasyPdfCloud;
using Bcl.EasyPdfCloud.Workflow;
using Bcl.EasyPdfCloud.Workflow.Enums;

// Create easyPDF Cloud API client object
var client = new Client("<client ID>", "<client secret>");

// Dynamically create workflow
var workflowSetting = new WorkflowSetting();

// Add "Add watermark" task
var addWatermarkToPdfTask = workflowSetting.AddNewAddWatermarkToPdfTask();

// Configure watermark settings
addWatermarkToPdfTask.Angle = 45;
addWatermarkToPdfTask.OutlineOnly = true;
addWatermarkToPdfTask.Text = "Watermark";

// Upload input file and start new job
var job = await client.StartNewJobAsync(workflowSetting, "C:\Users\someone\input.pdf");

// Wait until job execution is completed
using (var result = await job.WaitForJobExecutionCompletionAsync())
  // Save output to file
  using (var fs = new FileStream("C:\Users\someone\output.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
    await result.FileData.Stream.CopyToAsync(fs);
  • .NET Standard 2.0 compatible platform such as:
    • .NET Framework 4.6.1 and later
    • .NET Core 2.0 and later

Installation: (NPM package)
npm install easypdfcloud-node

Example 1: Using pre-created workflow (workflow ID):
"use strict";

const fs = require('fs');
const easyPdfCloud = require('easypdfcloud-node');

(async () => {
  // Create easyPDF Cloud client object
  const client = new easyPdfCloud.Client('<client ID>', '<client secret>');

  // Upload input file and start new job
  const job = await client.startNewJob('<workflow ID>', '/Users/someone/input.docx');

  // Wait until job execution is completed
  const result = await job.waitForJobExecutionCompletion();

  // Save output to file
  fs.writeFileSync('/Users/someone/output.pdf', result.fileData.blob, 'binary');

Example 2: Using dynamically created workflow:
"use strict";

const fs = require('fs');
const easyPdfCloud = require('easypdfcloud-node');

(async () => {
  // Create easyPDF Cloud client object
  const client = new easyPdfCloud.Client('<client ID>', '<client secret>');

  // Dynamically create workflow
  const workflowSetting = new easyPdfCloud.WorkflowSetting();

  // Add "Add watermark" task
  const addWatermarkToPdfTask = workflowSetting.AddNewAddWatermarkToPdfTask();

  // Configure watermark settings
  addWatermarkToPdfTask.Angle = 45;
  addWatermarkToPdfTask.OutlineOnly = true;
  addWatermarkToPdfTask.Text = 'Hello';

  // Upload input file and start new job
  const job = await client.startNewJob(workflowSetting, '/Users/someone/input.pdf');

  // Wait until job execution is completed
  const result = await job.waitForJobExecutionCompletion();

  // Save output to file
  fs.writeFileSync('/Users/someone/output.pdf', result.fileData.blob, 'binary');

Example 3: Using TypeScript:
"use strict";

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as easyPdfCloud from 'easypdfcloud-node';

(async () => {
  // Create easyPDF Cloud client object
  const client = new easyPdfCloud.Client('<client ID>', '<client secret>');

  // Dynamically create workflow
  const workflowSetting = new easyPdfCloud.WorkflowSetting();

  // Add "Convert PDF to Word" task
  const convertPdfToWordTask = workflowSetting.AddNewConvertPdfToWordTask();

  // Upload input file and start new job
  const job = await client.startNewJob(workflowSetting, '/Users/someone/input.pdf');

  // Wait until job execution is completed
  const result = await job.waitForJobExecutionCompletion();

  // Save output to file
  fs.writeFileSync('/Users/someone/output.docx', result.fileData.blob, 'binary');
  • Node.js 8.0 and later

Code snippet:
// Create easyPDF Cloud client object
$client = new \Bcl\EasyPdfCloud\Client($clientId, $clientSecret);
// Upload input file and start new job
$job = $client->startNewJobWithFilePath($workflowId, $inputFileName);
// Wait until job execution is completed
$result = $job->waitForJobExecutionCompletion();
// Save output to file
\file_put_contents($outputFileName, $result->getFileData()->getContents());
  1. PHP 5.3 or higher
  1. Download sample code
  2. Unzip downloaded sample code
  3. Open the file called program.php, and enter following information at the beginning of the code:
    1. Client ID
    2. Client secret
    3. Workflow ID
    4. Input file path
    5. Output directory
  4. Run the file called program.php

Code snippet:
// Create easyPDF Cloud client object
try (Client client = new com.easypdfcloud.Client(clientId, clientSecret)) {
  // Upload input file and start new job
  try (Job job = client.startNewJob(workflowId, inputFileName)) {
    // Wait until job execution is completed
    try (JobExecutionResult result = job.waitForJobExecutionCompletion()) {
      // Save output to file
      Files.copy(result.getFileData().getStream(), outputFilePath);
  1. Java 7 or higher
  2. NetBeans IDE
  3. Maven (NetBeans IDE 8.0 and higher comes with Maven bundeled)
  1. Download sample code
  2. Unzip downloaded sample code
  3. Open the file called Program.java (it's located in src/main/java/sample), and enter following information at the beginning of the code:
    1. Client ID
    2. Client secret
    3. Workflow ID
    4. Input file path
    5. Output directory
  4. Build and run